Make the Sublime SFTP Package quick panel display for longer


I have configured sublime text 3 with SFTP package for my website (which works great).

There is a small annoying issue though:

  • I select an operation like Sync Remote -> Local
  • Once the sync has finished the quickpanel displays only for 1-2seconds and then disappears.
  • If I miss the quickpanel, I have to start the process again (which could be minutes).

How do I make the quickpanel that appears (usually with 2 options Yes or No) stay for longer. So I can set it to sync, get on with something else and then come back to it.

I really don't think I should be anxiously waiting for the panel to pop up, only for me to notice too late and having to start the whole process again!

Here is one of my (many) frustrating fails:
enter image description here

Best Answer

SFTP has some options for that to put on your sftp-config.json file at the root of your folder :

Set those values to false like this:


I would leave


to make sure to not lose data.

SFTP documentation

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