Make pendrive bootable via command line Ubuntu

command lineiso-imageshell-scriptubuntu-10.04

I'm trying to burn a .iso image of Ubuntu into a pendrive using command line in Ubuntu but I'm having serious problems.

I'm looking for a tool, which I can invoke from a shell script, something like USB-creator-gtk (which is a GUI and works perfectly but I can't use it from a console cause it has to be automatic without user interaction).

If anyone can point me in the right direction I'll really appreciate it!

Best Answer

If the ISO is of a bootable image just use dd.

The command is quite powerful and simple. Say you have a ISO of Ubuntu called ubuntu.iso, and the USB drive is /dev/sda.

The command would be dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sda

This will block copy the ISO image onto the drive. By default I believe the block side is 512k, which you can modify by adding bs='blockside'

For more info look at man dd

I hope this helps.

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