Outlook – Make it so Outlook does not select the first mail in the inbox


When I open Outlook, it selects the first unread or read mail in inbox. But the selected mail is the most recent.

I want to read the Unreads from bottom to top. When I change the selection to the oldest unread mail, the top unread mail is being read. It's annoying.

I want to read that, later. But, the first mail becomes always read.

Best Answer

Even though this is an old thread, I just found it because I had a very similar request as the original poster. My solution is (as hinted by another answer) to collapse the group headers by default. When the headers are collapsed, Outlook opens with nothing selected or active in the preview pane. It's not perfect, especially if you don't want to use Groups, but it works for me.

To enable, go to View -> View Settings -> Group By -> and select "All Collapsed" under Expand/collapse defaults.