Make hard-link from Windows’ Desktop to cygdrive


When I open Cygwin, I want that I can see the Desktop -folder (I do not want to move its original location, I think the thing I want is hard-link with ln -cmd — but not sure, this is my first idea to do it — it is possible that there is some other way to do it, sorry I am now forgetting how do it in *ix boxes apparently — I tried it the W-way by creating a shortcut but I messed up after cp-ing the files etc, not working). This is probably an easy puzzle, some clever ideas out there how to accomplish the goal to use the Desktop fast with Cygwin?

$ pwd
$ mkdir Desktop
$ ln /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/hhh/Desktop/* Desktop

Best Answer

I've always solved the problem by setting the Windows User environment variable HOME to be %USERPROFILE%. (%USERPROFILE% always maps to where the user's profile is stored, usually under "C:/Documents and Settings/".)

Cygwin respects HOME and wil make that the home directory for the user.

jwernerny@machine ~
$ pwd
/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/jwernerny

From there, Desktop is already a sub-directory.

BTW, Windows environment variables are set from the Advanced tab in the System Properties of the Control Panel in Windows up to XP. I'm not sure on later versions if it is still the same.