Google-chrome – Make chrome webpages available offline


I'm travelling today and want to do some work on the plane/train etc. I won't have access to the internet but there's a few web pages I'd like to have available for reference.

Is there anyway to make pages available offline in chrome? I realise I can pin a page, but this leaves the door open for accidentally closing the tab or hitting refresh etc.

Ideally I'd like an extension which did something like: right click on tab, select "Make available offline" and then if I'm not connected to the internet and go to that page then it's loaded from cache.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Some Chrome extensions I know of:


Scrapbook merges all the fragmented features in various scrapbook implementations into one.

Some extensions don't annotate but save offline, some save but need you to register on another social network. Some save images(which I actually prefer). But cant be indexed and searched. My Scrapbook is an attempt to do all that. In short it aspires to be like my favourite Firefox counter part.

Chromium Scrapbook

Save web pages for offline use.

This extension allows to save web pages for later use without internet connection. It tries to save complete markup and graphics, so saved page looks the same as online one. The stored pages can be organized using tags. Text descriptions can be added to saved pages.

Pocket (formerly Read It Later)

Pocket Extension for Google Chrome – The best way to save articles, videos and more

When you find something on the web that you want to view later, put it in Pocket. It automatically syncs to your phone, tablet or computer so you can view it at any time, even without an internet connection.

Extension Features:
* One-click saving of any page with the toolbar button or keyboard shortcut
* Integrated buttons on and Google Reader for one-click saving
* Right-click menu item to save any link, no need to load the page first
* Quickly add tags
* Syncs across all devices – iPhone, iPad, Android and more
* Completely free

Similar extensions, but for Firefox.

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