Make a hole in Photoshop vector shape


I have a rounded rectangle vector shape. I would like to make a hole in it (B – A).

How can this be done?


Best Answer

  1. Make the top shape (AKA the "Hole") as a vector object then flatten it.
  2. Then use the Magic Selection tool to select the flattened "Hole" shape
  3. Next Invert the Selection (Ctrl + Shift + I).
  4. With your selection inverted, click on the Base Layer that should have the "Hole" in it.
  5. With the Base Layer Selected, click on the Layer Mask button @ the bottom of your layers panel.
  6. This will open up the "Hole" in your Base Layer shape.

** I keep the flattened hole layer in case you want to use certain effects like a drop shadow or drop glow effect. You may have to use the flattened layer to achieve some of these effects as I just found out.

Please Note: There may be a better way to do this, but this method worked for my needs. Good luck all!

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