Macos – Why sending Mail with Apple Mail takes too long


There is a issue with sending mails through Apple Mail (ver 8.2) every time I try to sending mail. The SMTP Part works fast, after a few seconds the Recipient get the mail but in Apple mail the progress bar ist still showing a status about 33%

I try to create a new Account on a fresh System and enter my IMAP / SMTP Server settings and the same problem occurs. It is possible that anything is wrong with the part copy Mail to sent folder or the smtp session for sending didn't closed right so that the next part (copy to send folder) can't initiated.

The Mailserver runs with Cyrus/Postfix the Client runs with latest Mac OS and Apple Mail Version. With other Clients like iOS Mail or something else there are no Problems.

Sequence of events:

  • start sending mail
  • SMTP Server accept connection and relay Mail to
  • Recipient get mail
  • delay, delay, delay
  • copy mail to sent
    folder on server
  • message send progress bar closed

Best Answer

In short: It's a Yosemite issue which was fixed in OS X 10.11 (to be released in October). If you have a Gmail account it is even worse.

FYI Details:

Sequence of events:

start sending mail SMTP Server accept connection and relay Mail to recipient Recipient get mail delay, delay, delay copy mail to sent folder on server message send progress bar closed

It's a part of Apple processing, not your server. Some say that this is time consumed by Apple to manage the user's iCloud & other devices updates but that is wrong because even without iCloud, and with only one device, you have this delay.

The best way to see deeper what Mail does during this delay: is to inspect the Console + Running something like WireShark. One alternative is to use another Webmail app like Thunderbird.

Note: The next OS X (El Capitain, v10.11) claims to make it 2 times quicker.

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