Macos – Where is MYSQL installed on Mac


I've always used MAMP or XAMPP to install MYSQL so it's been fairly straightforward. The only most I've had to do is create a symbolic link.

I'm now starting to learn Django and I would like to start a new. I uninstalled XAMPP and downloaded MYSQL from (64 bit) but I have no idea where it installed it to! I went to the command line and typed "mysql" and received the message "command not found".

Where is MYSQL installed on Mac OSX Lion?


Best Answer

The installation layout is similar to that of a tar file binary distribution; all MySQL binaries are located in the directory /usr/local/mysql/bin. The MySQL socket file is created as /tmp/mysql.sock by default. See Section 2.7, “Installation Layouts”.


It's probably not added to your $PATH, thus why the commands aren't visible in the terminal. Try typing echo $PATH on your terminal to see if /usr/local/mysql/bin is included in the path.

Additionally, on the terminal, you can type which mysql. If that returns nothing your environment is not finding your MySQL binary.

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