Macos – VMWare + Windows 8, wrong keyboard mappings


I've been running Mac OS X + VMWare Fusion for a long time, with no problems what so ever. But earlier today I upgraded to Mac OS X Yosemite, and after that VMWare didn't want to start my virtual machines. Since I was on a rather old version of Fusion (5.0.5) I decided to buy the new Fusion 7. No problems occurred during installation, the virtual disks was converted to the newer format and started without any errors or notifications.

However, after either the move to Fusion 7 or the conversion of the virtual disks, I have one (!) weird keyboard mapping that I can't figure out how to reset. On my swedish keyboard, all special characters work – except one mapping. The key for < now gives me § and the shift-equivalent > is the shift-equivalent of § which is ½. This is pretty troublesome, since I work as a programmer – and I'm pretty used to typing these characters.

What can I do to reset the keys to their original place?

Best Answer

Seems like a bug introduced in Fusion 7:

This solved it for me, in VMWare Fusion Version 7.1.0 (2314774):

Settings for the virtual machine -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Edit Profile -> Key Mappings -> check "Enable Language Specific Key Mappings"

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