Macos – Using Ctrl-Tab to switch between tabs in Mac

keyboard shortcutsmacostabsterminal

How can I make CtrlTab and CtrlShiftTab switch between tabs in on a Mac (OS 10.4 and 10.5 specifically)? This is how I switch tabs in Firefox and Aquamacs, and CommandShift[ and CommandShift] is too awkward to me. I am aware of this related question:

How can I change the keyboard shortcut for switching tabs in Mac Terminal?

And hence the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the System Preferences, but the dialog box for Keyboard Shortcuts doesn't seem to accept CtrlTab in the Keyboard Shortcut field. Is there a special keyboard sequence for inputting tabs (with modifiers) into a dialog box field on a Mac? Is there any other method that would allow me to customize in the way I desire?

Best Answer

I just tried this under Snow Leopard and it worked beautifully:

  1. Open System Preferences => Keyboard
  2. Go to Keyboard Shortcuts
  3. Click on "Application Shortcuts" on the left
  4. Click the little "+" to add a program
  5. Navigate to Terminal (it's hidden in Applications/Utilities)
  6. For the Menu Title type "Show Next Tab" or "Show Previous Tab" ("Select Next Tab" and "Select Previous Tab" for Mavericks or older) (Also, these items will be different for languages other than English.)
  7. For the Keyboard Shortcut type Ctrl-Tab or Ctrl-Shift-Tab
  8. Click Add. You are g2g!
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