Macos – Solutions for videos and subtitles in Mac OS X


What is the best way to merge a .srt subtitles file with a Movie, and have it subtitled online. I have a mp4 file and I've already made the subtitles in a .srt file. I've used the SubMerge software, but when I upload the generated mp4 to vimeo, there's no subtitles. It seems that subtitles generated by this software are some kind of meta-data inside the video. Is there any way to RENDER the subtitles whithin the video, so it can go online in any video website?

Best Answer

Submerge is what you asking for, you must be doing something wrong.

  1. Go to File, select "Open file" and navigate to the video file you want to add the subtitles to.

  2. Click the "Choose" ikon in the top left side of the main windows and navigte to and select the .srt file

  3. The program now renders the subtitles, which actually means it's converting the text to graphics in order to embed them into the video.

  4. assuming that the size and sync of the font is what you want, klick the export wheel and select your desired format. I use iPhone or AppleTV. Both are h264 and will upload fine to most video services.

Hope this helps. /Ulrik

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