Macos – Setting Custom Docks for ALL users in Mavericks


I work in a domain setting where the domain is managed by Active Directory. The macs are set up with domain logins, no local profiles. I am trying to set the default dock for Mavericks. I used to copy the file into the template English.proj in the system templates file (basic instructions for Mountain Lion). Everything I have read about Mavericks docks settings suggest that I cannot set the dock for all users any more this way because of cached preferences?

All I see in preferences now is I tried copying that file over and it did not work. I usually follow these instructions

Anyone have any way of setting the dock preferences for all users that login?

Thank you for your time.

x-post from Stack Overflow

Best Answer

It's likely the caching you're referring to that is causing the issue. You've got a few options that you can try, and the dock information should still be stored in

After you make the edits to your .plist try:

read /System/Library/LaunchAgents

If that doesn't do the trick you can kill the prefs daemon after making your edits:

killall -u yourusername cfprefsd
killall Dock
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