Macos – Run python script from Finder rather than edit


Max OS X. When I double-click on a python script it opens in the default editor. How might I make it so that when I double-click, or choose the script from Applications, it executes from the python interpreter? From the "open with" option it does not appear that I can choose /usr/bin/python.

Best Answer

  1. Start up Automator
  2. Choose application
  3. In the Actions bar, select Library, and search for Shell
  4. Drag "Run Shell Script" to the right pane.
  5. Change pass input to "as arguments"
  6. Change the script to

    for f in "$@" do python "$f" done

  7. Save it (possibly in the application folder, but can be anywhere) as

Now if you want .py files to always launch with python:

  1. Select a .py file
  2. File -> Get Info
  3. In the Open with selection, choose Other, and select the you created.
  4. Click Change All
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