Macos – Resume iTunes Music even in Sleep Mode


Is it possible play music through iTunes even when I put the computer to sleep? I don't need the monitor on when playing the music so I have been going to the Apple menu and choosing Sleep but the music stops playing.

Is it possible to just turn off the monitor?

Best Answer

As other people here have said, sleep suspends the computer and (that's why you hear the fans and drives turn off — it's using very little power), nothing can keep running.

If you are running Leopard or later, you can press ctrlshift to turn off the display.

I've also put together a couple of tiny applications that you can use to turn your screen off.

  1. Zeez sits in your menu bar
  2. sleepscreen is a command line executable (so you can call it from scripts and in other creative ways)

Both of those were put together a while ago for my own amusement, so don't expect much (but do tell me if they're broken for you).