Macos – “Preview” app crashing Mac OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite)

So my preview is crashing, I have a crash report here.

I’ve tried a few things:

  1. Deleting all Preview preferences
  2. Completely reinstalling Preview from Pacifist

Every time I open up anything in “Preview” it crashes.

I’m not sure what the cause of this is, nothing described seems to fix this, I've tried:

If you would like more information or would like me to clarify, please let me know.

Best Answer

I had the same situation as you. -- Not only did Preview crash every time I opened a file, the Application Specific Information section of the Crash Reports was identical to yours. I tried all the steps suggested by Tetsujin, but had no success. Hours looking at other sites produced suggestions related to fixing permissions and deleting items in ~/Library/, but all failed.

Then I found a posting that fixed the crash problem! It suggested:

  • Reinstall any recently deleted font

For this person, it was to reinstall Office 2011 fonts. Because I had recently upgraded from MS Office 2011 to Office 2016, reinstalling Office 2011 fonts was my fix as well. Clearly, the upgrade process had deleted a key font.

If you have recently made any changes to an MS Office Installation or deleted any fonts, try reinstalling the affected fonts next.

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