Macos – OSX (Yosemite) file permissions on files written to SMB-shares


In my workplace we work with a big SMB-share on which all files are saved.

Files saved by windows machines by default have -rw-rw---- as permissions and all folders come with drwxrwx---.

However the files written from OSX (Yosemite) machines have -rw--w----. This is a problem since it means that other team members can not view those files.

Is it possible to set the default permission for files written by OSX on the SMB-share to 0660? Right now I fix this manually through the terminal everytime I write a file, but that leaves a lot of room for user error (i.e. forgetting to change the permission).

I'm already running SMBUp, but sadly this has not fixed the issue.

EDIT: preferably without changing serverside settings

Best Answer

If the share is managed via the Server app, enable ACL's on the server, and configure the share through the Server app adding a group that all the team members are in and giving them read/write access.

I had a similar problem in the past and chmod/chown/chgrp simply didn't cut it.

edit: Forgot to mention you'll also need to enable inheritance permissions when setting this so that when new files are created, the same permissions are enabled on these files/folders.

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