Macos – OSX El Capitan Disk Utility resized the recovery partition


I'm running a VMWare Fusion VM of OSX El Capitan, VMWare refused to allow me to assign more than 40GB disk when creating the VM.
So I decided to boot up Disk Utility from the recovery and resize the disk.

I resized the partition to my desired size and clicked accept, however it seems to have resized the hidden recovery disk instead.

Now I'm unable to resize any partitions and have a massive recovery partition.
It's also seemed to use standard GPT instead of using any Core Storage (so diskutil cs commands won't work).

Best Answer

This seems to be some bug with OSX's new Disk Utility, possibly the combination with VMWare disk images.

To fix:

  1. Boot into the OS as normal.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Repair the disk diskutil repairVolume /dev/disk0s3 (where disk0s3 is your volume)
  4. Verify the disk diskutil verifyVolume /dev/disk0s3
  5. Resize the partition diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk0s3 650M
  6. Boot into the recovery mode
  7. Open the terminal, don't use the Disk Utility
  8. Resize the actual disk diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk0s2 200G (where disk0s2 is the actual disk you want to resize, 200G is your size)
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