Macos – OSX Drag and drop sensitivity setting

drag and dropmacososx lion

Is there a setting in OSX Lion that allows me to change the drag and drop threshold? I am using a Wacom intuos4 tablet and when working fast I sometimes drag files or tabs instead of just clicking them. Resulting in some frustration when a browser tab detaches itself into a new window or a folder is moved into a sibling folder.

I have been vigorously searching the internet and all I could find was information on this feature in windows and gnome 😛

Just to be clear: I want to heighten the amount of pixels a mouse pointer is allowed to move while pressed without triggering the drag behavior.


Best Answer

Show current drag and drop delay (from Terminal):

defaults read -g NSDragAndDropTextDelay

Set a global 0.4 second delay for drag and drop:

defaults write -g NSDragAndDropTextDelay -int 400

Set an app-specific delay of 3 seconds for iPhoto:

defaults write NSDragAndDropTextDelay -int 3000

See also,00.shtml