Macos – OS X or X11 terminal emulator supporting proportional fonts


Does anybody know of a terminal emulator for Mac OS X supporting proportional fonts?

Preferably a native app, otherwise for X11. Preferably with correct line-wrapping at the window edge, not at a certain number of characters.

I've gotten used to programming in a proportional font (Verdana 13pt) and I'd like to get the same look in my terminal windows.

I'm well aware that full-screen (curses) programs would not render correctly on a proportional font, but I seldom use any. Most of my terminal work involves Bash, compilers, and other line-oriented tools, which should work perfectly well with a proportional font.

For the sake of argument here is some code in my current editor configuration, which I find very readable:

enter image description here

I assume such a terminal emulator should advertise having very long lines, in order to do all the line-wrapping at the display level, instead of making Readline and other "smart" interactive CLI do it themselves. Other than that, I do not see why it should not be possible.

In fact, I might as well go ahead and do it myself, if I cannot find any.

Again, I'm aware Curses and other character-counting applications (such as the output of ls -l) would display incorrectly. Dealing correctly with those, with some form of heuristic or "elastic tabstops" would be a plus, but not a strict requirement.

Best Answer

Emacs is available for Mac OS X, supports proportional fonts, and has a terminal emulator. There are a number of Emacs versions available for OS X, so hopefully you can find one you like that has both the fonts and terminal emulator. A possible candidate is Aquamacs,

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