Macos – Managing MS Exchange server-side email rules on Mac OS X


Has anybody found an easy way to manage server-side rules from Mac OS X?

Here's a brief list of what I know doesn't work:

  • Entourage 2008 – it supports client rules, but not server rules. No good, there are certain actions that should happen before I open my laptop or check my email on my iPhone.
  • Apple Mail – same as Entourage, but at least I don't get as frustrated since, unlike Entourage, this isn't a Microsoft product.
  • Web mail (aka Outlook Web Access) – perhaps you can manage rule in the fancy version which Exchange serves to IE, but not with the browsers available on a Mac.

I manage this now by launching a VMWare virtual machine running Windows XP and Outlook. I don't count that as an easy way.

Update, post release of Office 2011

Does MS Outlook 2011 have the ability to manage server-side rules?

Update, post installation of Office 2011

No. Outlook 2011 doesn't have this ability.

I've already removed my account from Outlook and switched back to Apple Mail and iCal

Update, now on

Yes, yes, yes! Outlook 2011 (version 14.3.5) can do this. The web client for Office365 is also much better on mac browsers.

The short answer to my original question is: get your company to update to Office365!

Best Answer

To the best of my knowledge, changing server-side rules from pure OSX is not possible. When our Mac users request this at work, we help them through setting up the rules in a full Outlook client. Microsoft hasn't exposed these APIs to non-MAPI clients, and as you've already discovered the non-IE OWA doesn't have this support either.

The IE OWA version can do rules (at least in Exchange 2007 and higher), but even that functionality is somewhat reduced. But Server-side rules (folder sorting and the like) are able to be created.

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