Macos – Mac’s hard drive is filling itself

hard drivemacos

My Mac's hard drive is filling itself. I just freed 10 more GB this week and I am stuck at 0 bytes free. My computer is ultra slow and sometimes won't even boot as the disk is full. When this happens I have to go to Safe Mode, delete 1 or 2 GB of files I find, and then it fills itself up again.

I have a 2011 MBA, running macOS 10.9 Mavericks.
I ran sudo find / -size +500000 -print and deleted as many files as I could.

Does anyone have any idea what could be filling up my Mac?

Best Answer

I found what was actually filling up my disk.


was 90G and growing.

I used DaisyDisk and analysed the disk in Administrator Mode (OmniDiskSweeper wasn't showing admin files).

I found on the internet that a lot of people had the same troubles.

Just open up a terminal and execute.

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/ 
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