Macos – Mac OS X Finder – Creating New Folder with Right-Click in List View


I am aware that when using Finder in List view, I can create a new folder by right-clicking on an empty row, and pressing 'New Folder'.

However, when I happen to be browsing a folder with quite a lot of files (or just enough to invoke a scrollbar), there are no blank rows, and hence nowhere that I can right-click to create a new folder.

This is not a big problem, I am just a whinger who likes consistency and find this frustrating. Yes, I am aware that I can press Shift + Cmd + N, or can simply change the Finder view. BUT, is there a way to do this within list view? Am I missing something obvious?

Edit: oh, and I'm using Snow Leopard (version 10.6) 🙂

Best Answer

Not that it gets you exactly what you want, but besides the 4 items listed by Xetius, you can also add a little "create a new folder" icon to the top of your finder window (picture of a folder with a plus sign in the upper right corner). You would use "View/Customize Tool Bar ..." to add such an icon.