Macos – Mac OS X change IP configuration automatically by location (by Wifi network)


Can Mac OS X be setup to automatically configure its Airport interface with a static IP address when connected to a Wifi network with a certain name, and on all other Wifi networks use DHCP?

Currently I'm using the "Locations" feature of the "Network" section in System Preferences to manually switch between two IP address setups. I have a "my static IP" setup, and a default "DHCP" setup. However this requires entering System Preferences to change the Location drop-down each time when switching locations. Can this be automated?

Preferably this would be done without third-party software.

Best Answer

This is not something that can be done simply through the OS.

The aforementioned Locations is one option, along with freeware Airport Location or MarcoPolo or paid Network Location. There is also an AppleScript called WiFiScriptor that could help.

However! you need not go into System Preferences->Network->[Location dropdown] . You can go through the Apple Menu->Location (about 6 options down)->[select the location you want]


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