Macos – Mac Finder: WD My Passport won’t mount

external hard drivemacosmount

I have a WD My Passport 650GB (with Firewire and USB).
I'm using it for almost a year now and it always worked fine. While underway I simply plug it in via Firewire – at home I connect it to my Airport Extreme to have it available as a network storage.

Today I connected the HDD to my MacBook Pro (via firewire) and NOTHING. The HDD is starting (clearly making a sound and the power-indicator is flashing) but it won't appear in Finder. I also tried it with USB – no sign.

I ran Disk Utility and tried to repair the disk. At first try I got a red error line saying that something is wrong with the "headers". However the repair completed with a success message saying that everything is OK. I also verified the HDD. Also with a success message. I did that a few times again and unplugged it in between. Never got the error with the headers again – it's always completing and saying everything is OK. However I can't mount the drive.

That is what Disk Utility is showing.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Try mounting the volume at root level with terminal. You may also want to check the integrity/health of the drive with tools such as Drive Genius. I would just do a data rescue on the drive and reformat the it to save time, provided you have the tools and storage to hold your recovered data.

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