Macos – KeePass and Mono – HowTo run on the Mac


I'm trying to get KeePass (v2.20.1) running with Mono (v2.10.10) on my Mac running OS X 10.8.2

The KeePass that I've downloaded from is NOT a KEEPASS.EXE file as mentioned in earlier posts above, but seems a Mac application and when clicked states something like:

You have no permission to open Keepass 2.20.1" ( I have a Dutch interface )

I've tried running the Windows .exe but without result, can someone tell me how I can get KeePass running on my Mac?

Best Answer

It seems the developer made a mistake when creating the disk image for KeePass for OS X. Your user does not have any permissions for the application bundle to run it or copy it off the disk image.

Remove anything you might have already copied first. Then, after you mount the image (and see the "To install, drag …" instructions), open Terminal, and enter the following:

sudo cp -r /Volumes/KeePass2.20.1/ /Applications
sudo chmod u+wrx /Applications/
sudo chown -R $( whoami ):staff /Applications/

You'll get asked for your password after the first command. You need to be a computer administrator to perform these steps.

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