Macos – Is Mac OS X open source

macosopen source

I learned recently (on superuser) that Mac OS X uses the bash shell. I also know that OS X has a UNIX core.

I was searching for information about OS X and Open Source on google, but what I found was this site which seems to include the source code for OS X.
For instance, one of the links reads: Mac OS X 10.5.7 Source

So, is OS X open source?

There's an Apple Public Source License, but I'm bad at understanding legalese.

Besides the kernel, What about the various other pieces? The X server? Window Manager? File explorer? etc. What's open source and what's not?

Best Answer

Darwin is open source operation system from Apple and it's core of Mac OS X. But Darwin hasn't Mac OS X GUI.

  • Darwin is like Linux, FreeBSD, etc...
  • Mac OS X GUI is like KDE, GNome, etc...
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