Macos – Is it possible to change the delay before the dock appears in OS X on Mac


I would like to change the delay before the (autohidden) dock appears when I mouse over it.

There is currently a short delay before it appears, and I would like to make it a lot longer (one second instead of 1/10 of a second).

Based on extensive googling, this is a question that many people would like an answer to. I am hoping that the delay is specified somewhere and can be modified.

Many people would like the dock to appear instantly to be able to work more quickly.

Many people would like the dock to appear more slowly in order to effectively hide it.

Can we answer this question definitively?

Best Answer

There is a preference for the delay before the dock appears. You can change it by typing the following in Terminal:

defaults write autohide-delay -float XXX; killall Dock

Where XXX is a number of seconds. I set they delay to 10 seconds. I can still get the dock to appear if I want to, but it takes a long time and never appears by accident.

To reset the dock to the default behavior, type the following in Terminal:

defaults delete autohide-delay; killall Dock