Macos – How to the computer use 300% PC processing power

cpumacosparallel processing

I'm playing around with a script and well I got carried away (it's still running right now and yet my computer has not yet died). I'm running 17 iterations of the script (with the intention of crashing my computer).

Looking at the activity monitor I see that each Python process has a unique pid and that they seem to take up about 17-20% of my processing power each… How is that possible? Did my computer magically grow 200% power and break the laws of thermodynamics somewhere?

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Best Answer

On OS X, like other *nixes, CPU load is measured per virtual processor core. If you have multiple - you can have 200% and more combined under full load.

This is different from Windows and maybe some other systems, where CPU load is calculated per entire CPU (or CPUs - I do not remember how it behaves when having multiple physical processors).

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