Macos – how to make run cron on OSX 10.6.2


this question is not about how to edit cron tab but how to make cron work

  1. I edited my cron using env EDITOR=joe crontab -e
  2. I entered 1 * * * * echo 'test' > /Users/radek/Backup/rationalvmware/test.txt and it does nothing although the cron is set up correctly. Checked via Cronnix and viewed the cron in /var/cron/tabs. Editing crontab using Cronnix gives me the same results.

If I run echo 'test' > /Users/radek/Backup/rationalvmware/test.txt manually it creates a files as expected so I assume that the command I provide to cron is correct one.

Is there anything special I have to do to make cron work on OSX? How can I check it the the cron is running.

What's the equivalent of /var/log/messages on OSX? I can see in messages on SuSE that cron works.

Best Answer

I doubt you waited until 1 minute past the hour for your test. To run every minute:

0-59 * * * * echo 'test' > /Users/radek/Backup/rationalvmware/test.txt
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