Macos – How to install GRUB command-line tools on OSX

command linegrubmacos

I need access to grub-mkrescue for a project I'm working on. I know that the GRUB command-line tools come builtin to Linux, but how do I get them on OSX? Is there a package? Is it built into the system somewhere? Is there an installer?

CLARIFICATION: The question is not about installing GRUB as a bootloader on the Mac. The question is about installing the GRUB command line tools to do things like create bootable disk images of other operating systems.

Best Answer

I know this is two years too late for the OP, but by following the OSDev Wiki on installing GRUB2 on Mac OS X, I was able to get grub-mkrescue (and other GRUB related tools for my target platform) installed after installing the proper build tools for the target platform.

To get the build tools, I used a Homebrew tap, but at its root, Homebrew is just a pile of Ruby scripts that install things for you so they could be followed if you don't use Homebrew.

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