Macos – How to import bookmarks from Chrome or Safari into Opera 19 for OS X


I’ve just installed Opera 19 on OS X Mountain Lion and I don’t find how to import my Bookmarks from Safari or Chrome. On Windows menu the voice “Import Bookmarks” is deactivated

Best Answer

The migration from other browsers to Opera is not ideal. This will hopefully improve soon, but in the meantime some manual work is required.

To export from Safari, open the File: Export Bookmarks menu. The resulting HTML file can be opened directly in Opera as a kind of portal page with all your bookmarks. The same method can be used from Firefox and Chrome.

You then have three options:

  1. Open the HTML page and drag each link from these HTML pages onto the bookmarks bar or Speed Dial
  2. Install the Bookmarks Manager extension and use it to manage your bookmarks. It can import directly from the exported HTML files.
  3. Import the HTML files into Chrome. Move all the bookmarks to the Bookmarks bar in Chrome using the Bookmarks Manager. Then manually copy the ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Bookmarks file to ~/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.Opera/Bookmarks (quit both apps first!)

Not ideal, but all methods will get your bookmarks into Opera.

Hope these methods can be an acceptable. I hope that by the time others find this post using a search-engine, there will be a more user-friendly approach available.

Good luck!

Disclaimer: I am an employee of Opera Software, however, this comment represents only my own views and whatnot.