Macos – How to get rid of Community Toolbar in Safari


Every time I start Safari or Finder an error appears:

We're sorry, but the Safari browser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar.

How do I delete this toolbar? Other forums suggest deleting it from the "toolbar" folder, but there is no such folder in my Applications folder.

Best Answer

This seems to have "infected" multiple locations in /Library. First, quit Safari. Might not hurt to also run the following command from a Terminal (it will prompt you for your password):

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.conduit.loader.agent.plist

Then, delete the following files/folders by moving them to Trash and emptying it.

Note that / is your Macintosh HD, and the Library folder might be invisible. To access it, press ⌘⇧G in a Finder window and enter /Library.

/Library/Application Support/Conduit
/Library/Receipts/<Toolbar name>.pkg
/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
/Users/<User name>/Library/Application Support/Conduit

That should be it, according to forum posts and this article.

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