Macos – How to free files that are in use by quicklook


I have a couple pictures I was looking through and deleting stuck in my trash (Mac OS X 10.6 latest) and finder tells me they are in use when I try to delete them.

I looked around online and found the lsof command in terminal (type lsod with a space, drag the file onto terminal, press enter) it told me the file was in use by:

 Finder      7747    txt
 Finder      7747    13r
 mdworker    8685    txt
 quicklook   8822    13r
 quicklook   8822    14r

any idea what I can do about this? (other than restarting, this happens to me quite a bit), I'm wondering if this could be a bug as well.

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Running the command qlmanage -r in Terminal forces QuickLook to reload.

Hence releasing all locked files, now you will be able to empty your trash successfully.

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