Macos – How to find Stolen MacBook with iCloud


My MacBook Air was stolen about 6 weeks ago. Through iCloud and "Find Phone", I have some pictures and a location down to about 2 blocks. The pictures are from the current user taking photos which automatically appear on my local devices. (Yes they probably saw my pictures until I stopped taking them. Yes, they are stupid.)

I was thinking about going there and hanging out until I recognized the current users, but it is in a very bad neighborhood and I would be noticed. The police have not done anything.

Yes, the MacBook can be locked or a message sent. I am hoping to get it back.

Does anyone have ideas on how to track them down? While Find Phone shows their location, it does not report an ip address. Is there a way to get an ip address?

Does Facebook face recognition work on strangers?

Come on tech geniuses, help me play detective.

It does not have Drop Box installed.

Best Answer

To add to my comment above

  1. Keep copies of all the pictures as proof. 2 If the police are not responsive call into a local radio station, have all your facts, dates etc. ready. A little bad press should get the police moving on your case.

You have to be very careful. If you find them and approach what’s to stop them instantly throwing the laptop on the ground and running? Much worse you could end up in a fight with one or more people, never a good solution as you have no guarantee of winning and the laptop could be damaged in the process. You could also be severally injured.

That said I am not saying that you should back down. If you are going to take personal action to get it back it just has to be thought out. Lastly there could be severe problems if you accidently approach the wrong person, or if that person can justify why they have it, holding for a friend etc. and sue you.

This seems to becoming a more regular occurrence; a friend of mine here in Ireland recently had her iPhone robbed out of her bag. In this case the police (with a little badgering) did raid a house in an attempt to locate it. Unfortunately while they found numerous other unexplained devices they were not able to locate her particular phone.

However it just goes to show that a little pressure helps.

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