Macos – How to disable the top menu blinking when a keyboard shortcut is used in Mac OS X

keyboard shortcutsmacmacos

I'm using Mac OS X Lion. When I press a keyboard shortcut, the corresponding item in the top menu gets blue background for a brief moment and then returns back to it's default gray background. It somewhat irritates me. Is there a way to disable this blinking?

Best Answer

  • If Blue is the problem, and a darker greyish Graphite would do the job for you and won't irritate you as much, you go to System Preferences, click on General, and change the appearance from Blue to Graphite. It's more towards the default Grey you want, but a little darker. Attaching a screenshot of the same.

  • In System Preferences


  • How it actually looks


  • If this is not what you want, and disabling it or making it a transparent highlight is what your looking for, then you might have to wait till ShapeShifter is made compatible for OSX Lion.

  • Or you can hack OSX by going to this path and figuring out how to manipulate the XML in this folder: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/. Since these files help us edit the menu options, there has to be an option to enhance the highlighting on the MenuBar also.

  • You will need Xcode to do this ofcourse, but at your own risk!