Macos – how to delete a single item from trash forever in mac os x


There are 20 items in the trash.

I want to delete a single selected item from trash.

How is it possible?

I asked this question because in the following circumstances I was confused.

Suppose I have three directories named iGolf:


If I move all three iGolf directories to the trash, there are now three iGold directories there. How can I know which is the Desktop one and which isn't?

I want to be able to restore the "Desktop/iGolf" directory back to its original location and remove the others from the trash. How is this possible?


See the following image. Mac OS X 10.5.7 doesn't provide the delete option from trash.

alt text

Best Answer

Open a terminal window and type in "rm " (without the quotes, but with a space at the end).

Open the trash and drag the file you want to delete onto the terminal window. The file path will appear.

Press return in the terminal window to delete the file.

You can remove multiple items by highlighting the trash item and scroll down as many items as you want removed, hold shift key and highlight last item and all items in between will be highlighted. Drag over to terminal, as above, and all will be deleted.

works for me on 10.6.8