Macos – How to completely remove Synergy v1.3.1 from Mac OS X 10.8


Once upon a time, I installed Synergy. I never use it, so now I want to remove it.

Synergy doesn't install as a "normal" Mac app (or at least it did't before), so you can't simply "drag it to the trash can" or use something like AppCleaner to remove it.

I'm sure I could search around for all traces of Synergy and delete them manually, but I'd prefer it if there was an official way to uninstall it; something that would remove it completely.

I searched around and read in several places that the installer is supposed to have an option to un-install. I no longer had the installer for this old version (v1.3.1, I think), but managed to dig it up from their website (here). However, the installer doesn't run anymore and the newer ones can't uninstall older versions, or so it seems.

Does anyone know how to remove this version of Synergy from the system completely?

Best Answer

I had the same issue and resolved it like this:

  • in the Synergy prefpane, turn off synergy and remove its menuitem
  • in a Terminal window, type mdfind -name synergy
  • for each file related to Synergy, remove it:
    • sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/SynergyKM.prefPane (et c)
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