Macos – Hiding some users in the user list of the OSX 10.6 login panel


Is there a way to show only some users in the login panel?
I'm using OSX 10.6, and if I recall correctly I did something like that in a distant past but I really can't find out how.

In the system preferences there seem to be nothing like that (neither in Accounts nor in Security, for instance), and Tinkertool does not do that.
Google didn't help.

I hoped there was a graphical solution, such as while hiding them from the first screen, having also a button like "show all".
I guess there isn't or somebody would have answered.
Maybe I'll just change the usernames adding leading Z at the start of the usernames of the ones to "hide", so they'll appear lower in the list… :/

Best Answer

There doesn't seem to be a way to do this graphically, but it is possible. As always, be careful when setting system-wide defaults like this, especially with sudo. I tested this just now and it seems to work as expected.

To hide specific accounts, run the following command in

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array username1 username2 ...

If you want to add a new account to hide:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add username1

To unhide all users you've hidden:

sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList
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