Macos – Google Chrome Window Resize “Sticking” on OS X


I'm using the most recent version of Google Chrome (34.0.1847.131 at the time of writing) on OS X 10.8.5, and for a few months I've been having intermittent issues resizing browser windows. There doesn't seem to be any pattern as to why this issue occurs sometimes but not other times.

I'll move my cursor over the right side of the window, then click and drag the window to a smaller size. However, when I let go of the mouse button (or in this case the trackpad) and move the cursor, Chrome continues to resize the window as I move. When this happens, I am unable to click on anything in any of Chrome's windows, and if I switch focus to another program, I am unable to bring Chrome back into focus (unless I minimize all other windows that are in the way.) The only way to stop it from resizing is to Force Quit Chrome entirely, and go back into it.

I've attempted to find a solution to this problem on various message boards and support forums, but I can't seem to find anyone else that's even had the same problem, nevermind someone who has found a solution.

I'm not sure if this helps, but I am using a Mac Mini with two screens, alongside an Apple Wireless Keyboard and Trackpad.

Has anyone had this issue in the past? If so, what steps were taken to correct the issue on a forward basis? If you have not had this issue in the past, what would be some steps that I could take to debug the cause of the issue?

Best Answer

When searching through the issues backlog I don't see anything that fits your versions and description. I do see dozens of resize issues on that Chrome build.

While it's no grand conclusion, I would troubleshoot by running AppCleaner on Chrome then reinstalling to make sure all libraries are updated. Let me know how it works!

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