Macos – Focus issues in OS X Spaces


Spaces rarely returns focus to my last used window. Haven't been able to peg universally reproducible steps, but spend any time switching among spaces and windows and you'll come across this.

It often happens with Finder windows. I'm thinking this is because Mac OS X treats Finder as a single app, so bringing Finder forward in one space brings it forward in all spaces. Extremely annoying!

Anyone have a fix for this?

Best Answer

I don't agree that this isn't a bug. There are other users complaining about the same issue here:

This is a simple version of what typically happens to me:

  1. Firefox is on Desktop/Space 1
  2. Vim and Finder are on Desktop/Space 2
  3. As I switch between Firefox and Vim (with Command-Tab), Vim will be focused correctly, but the Finder window will sometimes be on top of it, so I can't see what I'm doing in Vim

As a workaround, to save me from using the mouse I use Command-`. This will bring the focused window to the top most of the time - it is really the shortcut to switch between windows of the currently focused app.

I've posted a bug report following the link @Sidnicious lists btw.

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