Macos – Deleting the system keychain from Mac, specified keychain could not be found


I want to delete Keychain stored in System.keychain folder on Mac. I tried the following,

security delete-keychain Keychain_name

but got the following error:

The specified keychain could not be found

How can I remove the keychain? When it didn't work I tried giving the path where the keychain is stored

security delete-keychain Keychain_name /Library/Keychains/System.keychain

But even then I am getting the same error message.

I want to delete it as I'm developing applications, some of the information is stored as such. If i try to delete a single item it gives the above error.

However, When I used the following command

sudo security delete-keychain /Library/Keychains/System.keychain 

it deleted the entire System.keychain.

Where am I going wrong in deleting single item from system.keychain?

Best Answer

Let's go over the terminology:

System.keychain and login.keychain are keychains. These contain keychain items like password items and secure note items.

security delete-keychain deletes an entire keychain. That's what my first comment was about: You usually do not want to delete the System keychain, including all its entries. You use this if you create your own keychains for specific uses.

security delete-keychain "/Users/danielbeck/Library/Keychains/Test.keychain"

Use security delete-generic-password, security delete-internet-password, or security delete-certificate, depending on the kind of item you want to delete, instead.

The following command deletes an item, e.g. a Secure Note, named note from the specified keychain Test2.keychain:

security delete-generic-password -l note "/Users/danielbeck/Library/Keychains/Test2.keychain"

For information about the options that allow you to specify which items to delete, see man security.

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