Macos – Convert VMWare image to Parallels


Is it possible to convert a VMWare image or the vmdk files to a Parallels VM without booting the image in VMWare and installing the transporter client.

I downloaded a virtual appliance running linux, and it seems to much work if I should have to boot it in VMWare player on a windows box in order to get it over to my Mac.

On the VMWare side things seems much easier with VMWare converter.

Maybe I should switch from Parallels to VMWare Fusion instead on the Mac…

Best Answer

according to and you can use qemu to convert vmware images to parallels images.

  1. install qemu, so you have access to qemu-img binary.

    sudo port install qemu

  2. convert the vmdk to a raw hdd image

    qemu-img convert appliance-harddrive-name.vmdk -O raw appliance-harddrive-name-raw.hdd

  3. create a custom linux parallel virtual machine with the .hdd as disk image.

that said, the reason i prefer vmware fusion is because i like being able to run all the vmware appliances without doing the above...

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