Macos – change the default language of a application / program in Snow Leopard


It used to be so easy in Leopard via the information dialog one could set any application to start in the desired language. Some programs like Things or the Adobe Creative Suite are simply more effective in english. I want to have this feature back – but how…?

Best Answer

If you only want to do it occasionally, then look at the LaunchApp Plugin.

If you want to set it on a more permanent basis, run this script in a terminal window (a Terminal Window from /Applications/Utilities/Terminal):

defaults write $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/Path\ to\ AppleLanguages "(de, en)"

Where you replace the path to your application (remember to escape spaces with a backslash) and the language codes with whatever you are looking for. After running this script, the application will always launch in whatever language you've specified first (assuming that language exists).

If you ever want to remove the preference, use:

defaults delete $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/Path\ to\ AppleLanguages