Macos – Can’t scroll back after cat with mosh, tmux and iterm2 setup


My setup is the following:

When I do apt-get update on my server I can see all the output and am also able to scroll back as I expect. When I do cat package.json I just can see the content fitting on my current terminal size and scrolling back does not work as expected. I end up somewhere in the middle of the output from the command before.

Is there a difference in the output of these two? And any idea how I can get scrolling back also to work with cat? I'm using OSX as my local machine and connect to an Ubuntu server.

Best Answer

There shouldn't be any difference between the output those two commands.

It's hard to say exactly what the issue is, but one thing you can try is using a pager to manually scroll through the contents of a file:

less package.json
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