Macos – Auto-hide OS X menu bar


Is there a way to auto-hide the OS X menu bar, like is possible with the Dock?

There was an application "Menufela" that did this for Tiger, but I'm not aware of anything similar for Leopard/Snow Leopard..

I'm almost certain this is (programatically) doable, because in full-screen applications the menu bar is hidden, and reappears when you mouse the mouse is at the top of the screen..

Edit: With the help of Steve Folly's answer, the following code:

[[NSApplication sharedApplication]
     setPresentationOptions:   NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar
                             | NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock];

..will auto-hide the menubar (and the dock, as mandated by the API), but only for the current application:

When controlling or disabling features of Mac OS X system using SetSystemUIMode the requested behaviors are only in effect while the process which called SetSystemUIMode is frontmost

..close, but not quite there

Best Answer

MagicMenu it hides the menubar (and dock) per application and also finder if you wish