Macos – Access localhost ( running on Mac OS X ) from another machine in the network


I have a REST service running on Mac OS X, which im currently accessing using "localhost:8888" and ""

I want to access the same service from another computer which is in the same network.

I disabled the firewall also and I typed

 nc -v 8888

and got the result as

nc: connectx to port 8888 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

currently i use localhost (to access using java application) and (to access using android application runs in the simulator) which both runs on the same machine which the server runs too.

I want to put the android application to my phone and give the machine ip addess ( because if i connect to internet via wifi, it'll be in the same local area network) i should be able to access my service runs on my machine.

can some one please tell me what im doing wrong here? Thank you

Best Answer

Type on other computer. Replace rest and getDetails with your request mappings. You do not even need to fiddle with firewall. I am running a Restful app in Java on Mac and able to access on other networked computers.

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