Macbook Pro Wi-Fi intermittently won’t turn on after sleep

airportmacbook proosx-snow-leopardwireless-networking

My current generation MacBook Pro 15" (10.6.5) intermittently has problems turning the Wi-Fi (airport) on. The usual symptom happens when I:

  • Sleep the machine
  • Open from sleep
  • Wi-Fi is off (the airport signal is blank)

I click on Airport icon → Turn Airport On. But nothing happens.

One recommended solution was to delete the "Automatic" location and create a new one and enable the Wi-Fi, or I delete the "AirPort" from the location and add it back. But neither of these resolve the problem.

I also called AppleCare and they had me delete /Library/SystemConfiguration and restart, but that hasn't solved the problem. I have to reboot, which is very painful.

Best Answer

I pulled a PC move and "forced" shut down (held the power button down until it the machine turned off) and BOOM, Wi-Fi was back in action after the next boot.

Not condoning this computer taboo, but it might be worth a try.