MacBook Pro – Fix Sound Issues and Red Light in Headphone Jack


How do I get my sound working again?
It works with Headphones, but when I unplug the headphones a red light is coming out of the headphone jack and I can't adjust the volume on my Macbook Pro.

Best Answer

macRumors ref: No sound out of MacBook speakers & red LED in Headphone jack.
The red light is probably because its a Mini-TOSLINK port.

There is a metal prong in the jack and sometimes it can be bent,
causing the digital audio to be turned on when it shouldn't be.


The problem is there is a switch in the jack that tells it if you have a mini headphone plug or an optical plug plugged into the headphone port. The problem is when you remove the plug, the jack doesn't know it and keeps shining the red light to talk with the optical. This disables the internal speakers and you see digital out instead of internal speakers in the speaker conrtol panel. Plugging and unplugging the speakers may get it working right for awhile but it won't last forever.

And, for the brave hearted,

I slid a paperclip in, and pushed out a little metal on the side.
That did the job, and I have internal sound again. And the digital red light, is now off.

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