Mac – Using dynamic links to external workbooks in Excel

macrosmicrosoft excelmicrosoft-excel-2007vba

I have a master workbook that needs to pull data from a specific dated subfolder. The date is specified by the user prior to macros being run.

The master workbook acts only as a presentation layer, and the source/underlying data in the dated subfolders have consistent names and formats.

Assume that within my master workbook on 'Sheet1' I have the following function in A1:


You will notice that are two 'dated' parts in the file link – this needs to be supplied by the user. In this case, the date supplied is 15-Nov-2010. Now if the user supplies 23-Nov-2010, the above link should be


I already have a formulae that create the above file paths, within my Links sheet in my master workbook. This is the dynamic part which creates the links. Now in the Links sheet, assume that result of my magic resides in cell B3 and is a named Range called DATA i.e.


So in theory, what the outcome should be, is that cell A1 on Sheet1 in my master workbook should use this generated file path

="'" & DATA & "Stresses'!$C$9

Is there a combination of standard excel functions that can achieve this?

Best Answer

Use =INDIRECT("'" & DATA & "Stresses'!$C$9").

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