Mac – Trying to fully remove a bluetooth device from Mavericks


So I've run into an issue.

I had been using my bluetooth headset that I use with my laptop for a few Google Hangout calls and the quality was awful so I stopped. My problem is now that whenever I have my headset near my laptop, even if it's connected to smart phone, it constantly tries to connect every 30 seconds with my laptop!

I tried to hold Option and click the bluetooth icon and remove the device. No dice.

I tried deleting ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/, no dice.

I tried deleting /Library/Preferences/, no dice.

Lastly, Ive tried converting the files from binary to xml. removing the rogue headset, and converting back to binary. Again no dice. I also tried opening the plists with PlistEditPro and I see the MAC address associated with the rogue headset is also in my Audio device settings as well.

Anybody know a way to permanently unpair a bluetooth device? I've tried pretty much everything I could find. It's just really annoying having this thing ask to connect every minute if I happen to have it near my laptop and on.

Best Answer


So, after doing some digging online, this is an apparent issue with several users and the Jawbone headsets. If you install the Jawbone Updater software, it can lead to several problems and in my case this was it.

To fully remove all traces of the Jawbone headset from your Mac, do must do the following:

  • Uninstall Jawbone Updater. Just drag to trash and empty.
  • Delete the jawbone file in ~/Library/Application Support
  • Delete /System/Library/Extensions/jawbone.kext (you must be root, or use sudo)
  • Now open bluetooth settings and write down the MAC address of the device.
  • Unpair the device if you have the choice (you might have to hold Option and click the Bluetooth menu icon)
  • Turn Bluetooth off (Settings --> Bluetooth --> Turn Off)
  • Check if the device is still cached: /Library/Preferences/
  • it's easy to view in preview if you download PlistEdit Pro otherwise you have to manually convert the plist binary file to xml to view in your favorite text editor (plutil -convert xml1 <filename>)
  • Don't forget, you will need to be sudo!
  • If you don't see the MAC address and Nickname of your device within <dict><key></key></dict> tags you're in business.
  • If you do, delete the opening the close <dict> tags with the <key> tags in between. There will be a lot of lines to remove. Convert back to binary if you need to (plutil -convert binary1 <filename>)
  • Last step is to repeat the same under your local account: ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/
  • Shutdown and reboot.
  • Turn bluetooth back on, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done :)

If that doesn't work, message me and I'll help you out but from all the resources I've gone through today, this is what FINALLY did the trick!

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